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Continuous School Improvement Plan

Frederick County Public Schools is dedicated to continuous improvement. Our school principals lead efforts to plan, implement, and review their goals, using a variety of data to make sure we’re always moving in the right direction. School and division plans are monitored for progress and updated quarterly to support our commitment to our students and their families.

This information keeps families informed about our progress and the status of school goals. You’ll find updates and insights as we work together to improve student learning and school performance.

School Profile Information

School: Greenwood Mill Elementary School
Principal: Matthew Hopple
Enrollment: 587

School Vision Statement

Motivating and 

School Mission Statement

It is the mission of GMES to be respectful of individual needs, responsible for fostering lifelong learning and ready to prepare students for success.

Goal #1

By May 2025, student literacy data will reflect an increase in student reading achievement as measured by VALLSS and reading SOLs. Specific student growth criteria are indicated within Student Measures 1 and 2.

Student Measure #1: By the end of the 24/25 school year, 85% of students in grades K-3 are expected to score within the moderate to low risk bands on the VALLSS assessment. This goal may be adjusted after analysis of fall data. 

Student Measure #2: By the end of the 24/25 school year, a minimum of 80% of students in grades 4-5 will meet grade level expectations as measured by the Virginia SOL. This goal may be adjusted after analysis of fall data.

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

Fall VALLSS results indicate that 335 of 394 students in grades K-3 scored within the moderate and low risk bands which is 85%. There were 59 students who fell in the high risk category. All reading plans for students in 1-3 have reading and plans written and they are currently being implemented. 

Fall VGA data is being analyzed in order to determine what instruction is needed to get students to meet success criteria according to SOL data. 

All of the following action step items have occurred since the adoption of the GMES CSIP:

  • Teachers have participated in two professional learning sessions, focusing on the word knowledge and language components of the Reading Rope during Team Planning, including EL and Special Education Teachers.
  • Teachers have engaged in the first lesson planning cycles that focused on intentional planning (including all components of the Reading Rope) and effective use of resources during PLCs which will incorporate the implementation of HQIM and the new learning acquired from professional learning.
  • One round of learning walks has occurred that focused on the effective use of resources. 
    • Effective Use  of curriculum materials 96%
    • Effective use of support staff or volunteers 83%
    • Effective use of time 96%
    • Additional resources support and enhance the lesson objective 90%
    • Resources use is modeled for students 100%
    • Instructional resources are responsive to culturally and linguistically diverse students 100%
  • One academic progress meeting to review student baseline data occurred on October 16th. The staff went through the ORID protocol to review current data
Q2 On Track

No Winter VALLSS results as of 1/13/25

Fall VALLSS results indicate that 335 of 394 students in grades K-3 scored within the moderate and low risk bands which is 85%. There were 59 students who fell in the high risk category. All reading plans for students in 1-3 have reading and plans written and they are currently being implemented. 

No Winter VGA Data as of 1/13/25

Fall VGA data is being analyzed in order to determine what instruction is needed to get students to meet success criteria according to SOL data. 

All of the following action step items have occurred since the adoption of the GMES CSIP:

  • Teachers have participated in three professional learning sessions, focusing on the word knowledge and language components of the Reading Rope during Team Planning, including EL and Special Education Teachers.  K-2 focused on AMIRA to drive tier 1 instruction and focused on tier 1 instruction utilizing HMH.  3-5 focused on HMH alignment for reading, writing, and grammar.
  • Teachers have engaged in the first lesson planning cycles that focused on intentional planning (including all components of the Reading Rope) and effective use of resources during PLCs which will incorporate the implementation of HQIM and the new learning acquired from professional learning.  (same as quarter 1)
  • Three rounds of learning walks have occurred that focused on the effective use of resources. (as of Dec. 2024)
    • Effective Use  of curriculum materials 92% (-4)%
    • Effective use of support staff or volunteers 90% (+7%)
    • Effective use of time 94% (-2%)
    • Additional resources support and enhance the lesson objective 91% (+1%)
    • Resources use is modeled for students 94% (-6%)
    • Instructional resources are responsive to culturally and linguistically diverse students 97% (-3%)
  • One academic progress meeting to review student baseline data occurred on November 20th. The staff went through the ORID protocol to review current data.  The Nov. 20, 2024 was the first academic PLC meeting.  At this meeting, teachers reflected on the ORID protocol to make decisions for tiering students.


Goal #2

By May 2025, student math data will reflect an increase in student math achievement as measured by iReady and math SOLs. Specific student growth criteria are indicated within Student Measures 1 and 2.

Student Measure #1: By the end of the 24/25 school year, 85% of students in grades K-2 are expected to be at grade level in number sense and algebraic thinking as measured by iReady.  This goal may be adjusted after analysis of fall data.

Student Measure #2: By the end of the 24/25 school year, a minimum of 80% of students in grades 3-5 will meet grade level expectations as measured by the Virginia SOL. This goal may be adjusted after analysis of fall data.

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

Fall VKRP data (kindergarten only) indicates that 88% of students are not considered at -risk of meeting the expectations for Numeracy Performance and 78% of students are not considered at-risk for meeting expectations on overall math performance.

Fall iReady data indicates that 14% of first grade students are at or above grade level in Number and Operations and 18% of students are at or above grade level in Algebra and Algebraic Thinking. It should be noted that this data includes a full year of first grade content most of which has not been taught yet.

Fall iReady data indicates that 20% of second grade students are at or above grade level in Number and Operations and 23% of students are at or above grade level in Algebra and Algebraic Thinking. It should be noted that this data includes a full year of second grade content most of which has not been taught yet.

Fall VGA data is being analyzed in order to determine what instruction is needed to get students to reach the benchmark in the spring. 

All of the following action step items have occurred since the adoption of the GMES CSIP:

  • Teachers have participated in professional learning sessions, focusing on number sense and data cycles during Team Planning, including EL and Special Education Teachers.
  • Teachers have engaged in lesson planning cycles that focus on intentional planning and backwards design utilizing VDOE and division resources during PLCs which will incorporate the implementation of HQIM and the new learning acquired from professional learning.
  • One monthly academic progress meeting has occurred to monitor student growth and teacher implementation.
Q2 On Track

No winter VKRP data will be collected.

Winter  iReady data indicates that 40% (+ 26)of first grade students are at or above grade level in Number and Operations and 43% (+25) of students are at or above grade level in Algebra and Algebraic Thinking. Winter iReady data indicates that 42% (+22) of second grade students are at or above grade level in Number and Operations and 39% (+15) of students are at or above grade level in Algebra and Algebraic Thinking. 

We do not have VKRP data at this time to update this information: Fall VKRP data (kindergarten only) indicates that 88% of students are not considered at -risk of meeting the expectations for Numeracy Performance and 78% of students are not considered at-risk for meeting expectations on overall math performance.

Winter iReady data indicates that 42% (+22) of second grade students are at or above grade level in Number and Operations and 39% (+15)of students are at or above grade level in Algebra and Algebraic Thinking. 

We do not have Winter VGA data to update this information: Fall VGA data is being analyzed in order to determine what instruction is needed to get students to reach the benchmark in the spring. 

All of the following action step items have occurred since the adoption of the GMES CSIP:

  • Teachers have participated in professional learning sessions, focusing on number sense and data cycles during Team Planning, including EL and Special Education Teachers.
  • Teachers have dissected the standard to write aligned objectives, and created CUAs. 
  • Three monthly academic progress meetings have occurred to monitor student growth and teacher implementation.

Goal #3

By May of 2025, new teachers at Greenwood Mill Elementary will receive full mentoring as indicated by the FCPS Mentor program with fidelity. 

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track Lead Mentor coaching  logs indicate that all mentors have been assigned and all first semester meetings have taken place or have been scheduled to take place based on the Communities of Practice within the FCPS Connections Mentor Guide.
Q2 On Track Lead Mentor coaching logs indicate that all mentors have been assigned and all second quarter meetings have taken place  based on the Communities of Practice within the FCPS Connections Mentor Guide.


Goal #4

By May 2025, Greenwood Mill Elementary School will host four events that include parents, students, teachers, and community members that focus on creating a partnership between the school and families, to engage in student learning and connect with community resources as measured by attendance to the events and feedback from families.

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

Event One: GMES Back to School Title One Night was held on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 with 394 family members in attendance to learn about Title one status and impact as well as the GMES school community.

Event Two: GMES Community Picnic was held on October 2, 2024 with 393 family members in attendance to make community connections including the Parent resource Center and reading resources for families.

Event Three: GMES STEAM Night was held on October 17, 2024 with 599 family members in attendance. Families were able to attend an open house of various STEAM activities.

Q2 On Track

Event One: GMES Back to School Title One Night was held on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 with 394 family members in attendance to learn about Title one status and impact as well as the GMES school community.  Completed

Event Two: GMES Community Picnic was held on October 2, 2024 with 393 family members in attendance to make community connections including the Parent resource Center and reading resources for families.  Completed

Event Three: GMES STEAM Night was held on October 17, 2024 with 599 family members in attendance. Families were able to attend an open house of various STEAM activities. Completed.



For more information about Greenwood Mill Elementary School's Continuous Improvement Plan please join us at our quarterly events or reach out to the school principal.

Quarterly Events

  • September 11, 2024 at 5 p.m.
  • November 20, 2024 at 5 p.m.
  • January 15, 2025 at 5 p.m.
  • March 26, 2025 at 5 p.m.
  • May 14, 2025 at 4 p.m.